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'How Could I Not?'

Cover art and Spotify canvas gif for Tom Rosenthal's single 

'How Could I Not'.

Tom is a lovely songwriter from London, UK

'Three Cafés'

Commissioned illustrations for 'Anne På Landet',

a small café branch in Oslo, Norway. Illustrations made of the three cafés, baked goods and beverages. 

'Issue Nr. 24'

Two illustrations for 'Teknovatøren', a student led editorial from Blindern University, Oslo, Norway. 

Issue nr. 24 Power


Thorium: Powering the future? p. 32

Debatten om kraftmarkedet i Norge p. 38

'Issue Nr. 23'

Four illustrations for 'Teknovatøren', a student led editorial from Blindern University, Oslo, Norway. 

Issue nr. 23 Gender and Identity


The First Female Crash Test Dummy p. 23

Layers of Me p. 26

Kjønnskvoter og offentlig styring av det private p.42

An Ode to Tinder p.47



Small promotional animation for 'Kanomader'aka my lovely parents and their explorative trip around England in the autumn 2023. 


Digital animation, 2D 

IMG_9812 2_edited_edited.jpg

'Artichoke cups'

A commission of four ceramic mugs.

Hand-painted cobalt artichokes on stoneware.

'Growing Affection'

Animation commissioned by '2050 Card', a digital greeting card company, based in the UK. The project was done through a contest set up by Kingston School of Art.

Three pitched ideas got picked out for further development and to be displayed at their website. 

(Sound by 2050 Cards)

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